
Shapes created by imaginary lines connecting brighter stars, and the names attached thereto.

Images were projected into these shapes interwoven by myths and stories. Stars in a particular constellation are not related to one another, as their distances from Earth might vary widely, just like their size, age, and motion. Common features include their seemingly similar orientation and apparent brightness.

There are 84 registered constellations in total, which are the agreed names of specific celestial regions that cover the entire sky.

Interesting facts:

Cassiopeia, the W-shaped constellation, is made up of five or six stars of apparently equal brightness, although the truth is that there are huge differences in size, brightness, and distance among them.

The closest star in the formation is Caph—beta Cassiopeia—which is 54 light-years away from the sun, while its gamma star is 780 light-years away and is about 6,000 times brighter than the Sun. Still, they seem almost identical.

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