Astrology initiates a path to deeper self-awareness. Based on observation and expertise dating back over six thousand years, it incorporates concepts and definitions that may be unfamiliar to your everyday life.
In our glossary, you'll find definitions and context around common astrology terms. You can also deepen your understanding with related tips.
So the next time you encounter something that sounds unfamiliar or woo-woo, we encourage you to dive into the world of astrology. The more you know, the more empowered you'll be to navigate what life has in store for you.
The current ascending and descending point of the celestial circle. The Ascendant marks a direction on the eastern horizon that shows the rising point of the celestial circle, the apparent path of the sun (the ecliptic) at a given time. It also marks the sign that is about to rise.
An empirical science that studies the analogy of observation of the sky and the events on earth. It is mainly characterized by a system-based approach; everything is interconnected. The individual, society, humankind, and even Earth constitute part of a larger system.
Astronomy means the observation and exploration of the sky by scientific tools.
A detailed discussion and interpretation of the powers that impact a birth chart at a specific time and place, such as the date and time of birth, an event, or a decision.
Visual angles of celestial bodies on the ecliptic as they are seen from Earth, and their relative positions to each other.
These are assessed based on certain prominent symmetries. Aspects are the interactions of astrological powers. We can interpret them as encounters of energy waves unique to a particular celestial body.
Apparent movement caused in part by the actual movement of celestial bodies along the ecliptic and the progress of Earth itself.
In astrology, “transit” refers to the passage or exact aspect of a celestial body.
This is usually interpreted in the context of a previously drawn-up birth chart. What changes are brought about or what powers are transmitted by the passage or transit of a celestial body that forms an aspect?
The analysis of transits therefore focuses on the current, actual movements in the sky and their potential impact for a given period of time, from the aspect of a particular person, matter, event, business, important decision to be made, etc.
It interprets the quality of time, and the position of the planets and their relation to each other, based on the place and date of birth.
Shapes created by imaginary lines connecting brighter stars, and the names attached thereto.
The two main axes of the birth chart are the houses marked by the Ascendant/Descendant and the Zenith/Nadir axes.
Astronomical tables that contain the celestial bodies’ positions.
The celestial equator, which divides the sky into northern and southern hemispheres, is the projection of the Earth's equator, which divides the surface of our planet into northern and southern hemispheres. This is the “baseline” of the celestial coordinate system.
Astrology uses the concept of classical elements—namely fire, earth, air, and water.
All cultures have used this division starting from the Vedas. Chinese astrology uses a different system of five elements in total.
The ecliptic is the circular path of the sun throughout the course of a year.
The ruling planet of the Ascendant sign.
The emperor is dominated by the Ascendant sign. For example, the emperor is Mars for an Aries Ascendant, and the sun for a Leo Ascendant . . .
The two former views of the world represent two totally different attitudes.
In this case, “geocentric” means that we look at the system from Earth and project the impacts here. That means we are in the center; we are the observers.
A heliocentric view means that celestial bodies are depicted in their true orbits around the sun.
In astrology, houses are easy-to-distinguish areas of life that are analogous to signs.
There are multiple systems for calculating the houses, all based on the Ascendant as a starting point. So the “peak” of the first house is always the Ascendant. In the equator-type house system, each house is 30 degrees away from here, just like in the case of the signs.
A term of Greek origin that means “look into the clock.”
An illustration of the quality of time, the forces that determine a period in the form of a specific diagram.
It depicts celestial bodies on a circular path of the ecliptic, calculating their aspects for a given time and point of view (geographical location).
The power of transits is assessed in terms of the potential magnitude of the impact they can have.
Celestial bodies orbit in their own rhythm, and connect with certain elements of your birth chart at specific intervals, like your Ascendant, planets, and houses.
Scope: the range of the aspect of a given celestial body
Exact aspects exist for a very short period of time. However, the impact of the aspect becomes apparent if the constellation is not exact yet or existent anymore. The more exact an aspect or transit, the more powerful its impacts. Orbis marks the range of degrees where such impacts are already or still enforced.
In terms of astronomy, celestial bodies of rocky or gassy matter orbit our central star—the sun; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the Plutoids.
Study and analysis of the relation between the individual birth chart and the current celestial planetary movements.
The transits in the prediction indicate tendencies rather than specifics. Our decisions, actions, and choices are what turn them into tangible things, especially in relation to the area of life or house in the birth chart concerned.
Two signs that sit directly opposite each other or form pairs.
There is always a correlation between them, as they either complement or balance each other in a specific way.
Imagine two people opposite each other. They both see the other person, and what is beyond the other person, but they cannot see behind their own back. It takes two to see the full picture.
Two different kinds of manifestation of fulfillment and absoluteness. Not equal to a judgment!
Signs carry both positive and negative qualities. Positivity is dominated by emanating and energizing active and creative manifestations. These include Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Birth chart—an astrological chart that displays the exact time and geographic position of birth, as an event.
“Luminary points” in the sky that appear not to move due to their immense distance from Earth.
Definitions derived from the constellations in the sun's orbit, the arc of the ecliptic, certain parts of the sun's orbit. Twelve stages of the annual path followed by the sun that is named after zodiac signs. These stages/periods of time once coincided with their constellations they were named after. However, over time, precession has pushed the constellations and the signs named after them out of alignment.
The conjunction or proximity of three or more celestial bodies on the ecliptic.
Even though these celestial bodies seem to be in the same place, they are actually behind one another in relation to our viewpoint on Earth. Their energy and beam of rays have an aggregated impact. It is a prominent impact in astrology.
A tool in astrology that allows us to interpret the dynamics of two birth charts—usually that of two persons—in an established relationship.
Zenith marks the highest in the sky, while nadir marks the lowest.
These can be used as a point of reference to determine the position or “altitude” of a particular planet. The zenith and nadir are the vertical lines or approximate axes of the birth chart.
Zenith is currently above our heads, and nadir is “under our feet.”
The circle of 12 signs of the zodiac are each considered to occupy a place in the ecliptic, the annual celestial path of the sun.

Unbeknownst to us, the planets are constantly in motion around us, forming series of aspects and transits that influence our daily lives. For example, your Moon moves every 3 days, meaning your emotional state can transition in the blink of an eye. Here's what you need to know about each planet and how it affects you on a personal level.